Tuesday, May 11, 2010

You May Be The God

The title seems to be a bit extraordinary and quite meta-physical, if implementation is concerned then it may be exhaustive but it’s not impossible. If we consider the modern believes of the educated people then some of them do not have faith in god but most of them have blind faith in god. These people generally exercise only those things which they think god permits and those activities are practised which make God happy, this, according to them, would lead to a peaceful and simple life. Some people do believe that the congregation of their good deeds would give them harmony after death instead of their soul wandering for peace.
What is God? Who is God? , is always a question before the scientists which they whole-heartedly are dedicated to find a solution for this very general yet brainstorming question. There have been a number of researches going to unfold the truth behind the existence of God. Few years back, there was an experiment in which; a going to be dead person was evacuated under seven powerful glass-covers. After a few moments a strong light illuminating the entire room broke up the glass-boxes and flew like a bird into the air and finally disappeared into the sky. This experiment shook the scientists about the fact of something called soul and forced them to believe the existence of human soul.Alongwith with this a number of other re-searches are going in the world to prove the presence of God.
What I believe is that God can be the one who has completed the research on himself and has found the actual truth of life. If we travel into past and peep around ,we will discover that anyone who was capable of dealing with the difficulties of life without any regret and with great zeal and self- confidence tend to be the god for the people .The greatest example is the birth of Lord Rama, he was a true human with uncountable admirable traits and his strong will to overpower everything and his faith in himself to sweep-off the obstructions in his path accompanied by his outstanding perspective of viewing the things. Whenever these traits were exposed, people got amazed of the consequences of the activities performed by the great people.
You can be the God if you possess these very traits within you and I am sure that everyone possesses these qualities but the need is to explore within you and polish them to win this world.

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