Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Amazing Truth

It’s been long when I started to observe an amazing truth which focused on Money as its integral part. As we know that the most important thing needed to live in this materialistic world is Money and every other requirement is secondary and ironically the theory of survival of the fittest has redefined itself to survival of the wealthiest. It’s been my long observation that the only thing human care about is Money and for some greedy people, we could say that family is also not primary. Money has created an indispensable place in everyone’s mind and for this I would ask to memorize any single instance when money was totally washed off from your mind, I assure you that there would have not been any such instance. So, try to figure out what money has actually done? Try to think, does money created man or man created money?
After a little brainstorming exercise you would be in a state of how mean we are? How materialistic we have become? How a slave has become a master? Don’t regret, there is still something which is far apart from the horizon of money and to name it, it is knowledge. Now you might not agree that how can that be possible? Not only it can but it is possible. Again I would ask you to go in your memories and start a search for an instance where you think knowledge was exchanged with money and this time also I assure you that no such instance would have occurred. And now you would be thinking; what about the commercialization of Education industry? The answer would be that learning is commercialized but not the knowledge and it’s irrelevant to unleash the difference between learning and knowledge.
So, by now you might have understood the importance of knowledge in our life and how much pride we feel being a knowledgeable person and try to feel the happiness of innovating that would change the life of people. So, try not to focus on money and just excel in innovating and exploring your passion. It’s good to love money but it’s best to love your passion and excel in what you do. Best of luck for exploration and inventions that might strike your mind after reading this.

“Go and Innovate something instead sit and be idle”

Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Power Of W|-|`/??


Since a long time I used to indulge myself in discovering the importance of the word “why” in our life. It was familiar to what I had expected?? The strength of the word can drive us from the dark nights of unawareness to the dazzling mornings and hence produces an attitude of conquering the world.
It has always been a topic of discussion that; does everything have to be answered to prove its existence? Some researchers believe that everything is answerable but some conflict this statement and have faith that however some things can’t be explained but they do exist. The reason behind the two beliefs is the existence of a small word “why”. The power of the word can be unfolded if we memorize how Newton’s Law of Gravitation was formulated and its importance in today’s era of physics. If Newton like many other people who had witnessed the falling of an apple from a tree, had forgotten to use the power of “Why” then It might be possible that the Law of gravitation might not be a part of science.
“Why” outbursts,” I am the one who revealed the truth behind every mystery and presented a new challenge before the mankind”. It is ‘why’, who is responsible for the growth and development of human civilization and the evolution of it. In the early era, there were a number of theories describing the facts and their existence but the tool that proved their existence was ‘why’.
If we dare to measure the strength of ‘why’ then we will find ourselves stuck in the endless desert with no hope of reaching the horizon, so think again before measuring the results. It is the smallest word with power of a billion and can be the reason for other words to exist.
It’s always desirable to go for the ‘Why’ if we want to explore domain knowledge and utilize it for the growth and enhancement of human civilization. So always help yourself with the word “Why” and be fruitful for yourself and the human race.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

You May Be The God

The title seems to be a bit extraordinary and quite meta-physical, if implementation is concerned then it may be exhaustive but it’s not impossible. If we consider the modern believes of the educated people then some of them do not have faith in god but most of them have blind faith in god. These people generally exercise only those things which they think god permits and those activities are practised which make God happy, this, according to them, would lead to a peaceful and simple life. Some people do believe that the congregation of their good deeds would give them harmony after death instead of their soul wandering for peace.
What is God? Who is God? , is always a question before the scientists which they whole-heartedly are dedicated to find a solution for this very general yet brainstorming question. There have been a number of researches going to unfold the truth behind the existence of God. Few years back, there was an experiment in which; a going to be dead person was evacuated under seven powerful glass-covers. After a few moments a strong light illuminating the entire room broke up the glass-boxes and flew like a bird into the air and finally disappeared into the sky. This experiment shook the scientists about the fact of something called soul and forced them to believe the existence of human soul.Alongwith with this a number of other re-searches are going in the world to prove the presence of God.
What I believe is that God can be the one who has completed the research on himself and has found the actual truth of life. If we travel into past and peep around ,we will discover that anyone who was capable of dealing with the difficulties of life without any regret and with great zeal and self- confidence tend to be the god for the people .The greatest example is the birth of Lord Rama, he was a true human with uncountable admirable traits and his strong will to overpower everything and his faith in himself to sweep-off the obstructions in his path accompanied by his outstanding perspective of viewing the things. Whenever these traits were exposed, people got amazed of the consequences of the activities performed by the great people.
You can be the God if you possess these very traits within you and I am sure that everyone possesses these qualities but the need is to explore within you and polish them to win this world.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Emotion or Illusion of Mankind

Emotion, the word in today’s era has redefined its meaning from the sudden stimuli of action or behaviour to E-motion which says electronic motion .If we look around in the world we would be surprised to see that 90 percent of the emotions of the people are like the response of the machines which have a definite pattern of reacting to a situation-motion has engulfed the charm and truthfulness of the emotion that used to emit out from the people’s inner self and not from the carefully calculated conduct .

Emotions, nowadays, are greatly influenced by the society of the human population in interaction with the people. The society according to the living standard and life style react to different situations and this can be supported by an example; When we go to a party to express our gratitude and blessings for the host then if we, here is a lower middle class people then we would prefer the true heart blessings only and if we, here is upper class society member then we would buy a costly gift with no true blessings. Sometimes emotions of people are controlled by someone else as the emotions of a woman are directed by the family members around her and they are constantly forced to behave in the interest of her family without considering their own emotions.

Emotion cannot be restricted to one’s way of expressing his feelings, it’s actually an ocean of feelings which can never be explored and the voyage would never find the horizon of such an ocean.Today it can be realised that emotions are being bottled with no hope for their release and what we see??? We see the emotions are the results of the heavy computation involved in the database traversal and analysis without any regards to the natural flow of stimulus.Every human except few is of the believe that emotions are also materialised which have their intensity being guarded by the money.Money ,the ultimate power to humans ,can change the way we behave to people and mould the things according to the wealth.

In the nutshell it can be summed up that emotions have been materialised but still the emotion of a mother ;caring for her children and the emotion of caring for your siblings are some of the emotions which will never degrade their value (which is worthless)for a human and can never be structured with the help of money.So,it’s the duty of mankind to preserve the trend of true emotions which we received from our ancestors for the future generation otherwise the extinction of emotions would be repented for by the entire human civilization.

Monday, March 1, 2010

The Journey Of Now To Where

The Journey of life can never be predicted nor does it ends like the fact of mathematical sequences which themselves be fold the successor, instead it portrays a scenario of an endless walk in a haunting night and through the unfamiliar structures and ways. These words seem to be boring for an engineer who aims to just enjoy life, but these hold a strong fact in the vicinity of transformation of an infant to a matured person.
The corridor of enlighten future always invites everyone to grab the opportunity but the twist comes in the recognition of the path, some dare to evaluate to the circumstances and some just panic of the analysis and hats-off to some who whole heartedly deal with the conclusions and as an admiration; they are being presented with a reward of self-satisfaction and self-confidence. As an engineer we should try to exploit the positive energy around us and should have a sanguine way of conniving things.
I think the matter presented above might repent you of “how philosophical one can be?”......But the zeal of achieving something in life may teach you a plethora of logical and philosophical stuff. When I recollect the days of joining in my first year I found myself to be left in the middle of a ocean and I have to swim across it to save my life. I took it as a challenge and achieved a position within my friends and the college. There were a number of instances when I found myself to be aloof from others and once I had lost all the hope then I decided to never depend on others and be bold and true in whatever you say and whatever you believe. The mourning days were over for me as I have learnt to tackle situations and to modify the end.
It’s a regular trend to always go with the crowd but, it actually works? I think no because in those hundreds of people where are you? Where is your own identity? Do you want to be harmonized to the other population? Maybe exclusive in your ideas and your thinking .If you feel you are lacking a motivation then think of a most beautiful thing in the world or the thing you love most and dream it to be in your hands and saying to you that your zeal to conquer me compelled me to accompany you. I have experienced a number of times and whenever you have acquired something ,make it a point that do not forget the people that made you reach the cliff with all their blessings.If you really want to achieve something that will satisfy your thrust for the identity then it’s the time to prepare yourself to lead a war against your fear and let your thoughts be your army, to empower your will to make every path fruitful for you. If you vision yourself in the elite society then pull the knob of the bottle and let your thoughts flow around, allow others to feel the fragrance of those beautiful thoughts. In pre-final year, people engage their mind in visualising the near future and they enter a state of depression while procuring a decision to how to mend the future path? It’s simple if you analyse your skills and then plan for the upcoming years.